Some of these were written using 'tweet the random' rules that I'd made up: use a random word generator to come up with five words, use at least four of those in a #vss, hope like hell the story makes sense. So if some word choices seem a little more... well, random than others, you'll know why.
(Posted from March 2011 to now)
Your bloodstream is a liquid buffet to me. Rapids of
sustenance spiralling round. Of course I don’t sparkle. I’m a leech not a
firefly. #vss
“I told him. Don’t say those things about Mam and me” He’s
calm now. Guards lead him away. The psychiatrist’s body cools behind him. #vss
A neat man, he liked to grapple with big questions. Was hate
distinctive to humans? Did God exist? Can’t Tesco sell a nice sandwich? #vss
“I could just eat you up!” He starts to cry. His mum
comforts him “Granny didn’t mean it!” His Gran bares her teeth, white and
strong. #vss
Beauty products. Processed food, additives. A chemical taint.
The decision not to eat human flesh is a matter of taste, not morals. #vss
Nuclear winter’s not so bad if you have the essentials, she
thinks. A solid bunker-door. Provisions. Every series of Star Trek on DVD. #vss
‘Well.’, the witch thought vengefully as the oven door
clanged shut, ‘At least the little bastards will end up with cavities.’ #vss
‘Let’s play a game.’ She ran her thumb over the knife.
Licked off the blood and ignored their whimpers. ‘You hide and I’ll seek.’ #vss
The sun is shining and there’s the scent of new blossom on
the air. The lid stays on the pills. Today is a good day not to die. #vss
“There.” Vicki drops the purple crayon she’d used to draw in
the bruises. “Now Barbie looks just like Mummy.” #vss
When he reached the seashore he thought he was safe. Turns
out zombie barnacles are very tenacious. #vss
“Look, we all voted. It was fair. Why the complaints?” Bob
the cabin boy eyes the knife and wails “We’ve only been adrift for an hour!”
You’re like a bog, she said, densely packed. I’m like the
tundra. I only seem empty; you have to look close. I don’t get it, he said.
“Ours was a tainted love” he said. “With melamine, like the
milk scandal?” I asked. “Replies like that are why we split up” he said. #vss
‘Make Yourself An Exhibition!’ Should’ve read the fine
print. My heart’s on a plinth, my face’s skin in a tidy silent scream behind
it. #vss
We overthrew all the rules. Of physics. Geometry. Now we
don’t know if up is down or what shape we are. And we’re so happy. #vss
I know the shining fracture in the sky is just the moon on
the clouds. But it’s so bright and there’s the whole universe beyond it. #vss
“Well, would you prefer I called you gorgeous patronisingly
or ironically?” he snaps. “Are those my only options?” she asks. #vss
I go on a biennial desert cure. It sears away my tears and
dries up my heart, so I can show the world a cold face for two more years. #vss
“Divorce is a terrible thing” she says “How would the kids
have coped?” I tell her she’s right and ask her gently to give me the knife.
I’ve made an iron heart to replace my old ceramic one. This
one is strong and will not crack or chip or shatter. Or let anyone in. #vss
It’s not been all bad, locked in this cellar for years. The
ants made me their king, the wall’s a good talker and I’ve kept my sanity. #vss
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