Wednesday, 21 April 2010

My fail is, as usual, epic

Well, my proposed 'post a mini-fic a day' resolution lasted precisely - wait for it - one day before crumbling to pieces like a cheap biscuit. That's impressive even for me.

Part of this was because I kept having an idea but then going 'Oh, but that would work much better as a longer story. And I could submit it somewhere' (I don't think fics can already have been published before you do this? Not 100% sure on that, actually)

Of course, most of it was because my work ethic spends most of its time skiving off round the back of the bike sheds, along with my self discipline and my single-mindedness.

I did tweet a small fic today though:

Dead pigeon in the gutter, your guts - all sticky, exploded red - look like they would taste of pomegranate

I did really see this on my way to work this morning - oddly enough whilst thinking about doing a short fic about a dead cat I saw in the gutter some months ago. From this it becomes clear that I have become a minor god and am able to physically manifest my thoughts.

At least if I'm thinking about dead animals.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

In your sleep, I watch and grind my teeth..

Inspired by a combination of the Campaign for Real Fear and Kirsty Logan's posting of her NaPoWriMo signup I've decided to attempt a mashup of these.

Meaning I will be posting small, drabble like horror pieces during the month of April - old fashioned horror, general psychological nastiness, mildly creepy; if it's in that vein and under 500 words, I'll be posting it. (Hopefully be posting it, at least. I can forsee days when the spirit is more willing than the muse - who can be an obstructive bitch at times).

These pieces will be tagged with the label 'weecreepy' and here is the first -

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You call me a sheep for circling round the same people - the same area. You don't seem to realise.

I'm not following. I'm tracking.

Knowing your prey makes the culling go smoother.

April fool

Guardian's April Fool gag actually mildly amusing for a change. And if Labour marketed themselves like that I might be briefly tempted to vote for them.

Sadly, the news about Stephanie Myer publishing more sparkly vampire books was not a joke.